turning business leaders
into elite performers
Transformative weekend for developing elite-level performance & leadership. Combining science-backed, military-tested mental conditioning
with mountain adventure.
We've worked with business leaders from...

what are you truly capable of?
Want to unlock laser-like focus at will and get a lot more done in a lot less time?
How about leading with complete confidence, even when the pressure is on?
Or master your mindset to turn stress and negative thinking into peak-performance?
We know the struggles of being a highly-effective business leader. And after decades exploring human performance, we've developed the ultimate experience to unlock your full potential...
'the ultimate performance-development experience'
designed for business leaders
- The only event that enables business leaders to reach their full potential by combining mental training with military-style adventure
science-based approach
- Integrates proven, science-backed strategies used by the world's elite-performers in business, special forces-militaries and sports
commando training strategies
- Leverages physical adventure and military-style challenges for accelerated learning, adaptability and resilience.
what you'll achieve...
Forge the skills to become laser-focused & hyper-productive at will.
Strengthen ability to lead & negotiate at an elite-level under pressure.
Learn to override the stress-response and take complete ownership of your performance.
Build incredible confidence & bring indispensable value to your business & team.
what people say about us...
"Cameron's [Theseus Co-Founder] background gives him a unique ability to get the most out of others."
Entrepreneur, Former Special Forces
"I recommend Theseus to anyone who appreciates that achieving external results also requires winning the 'inner game'"
Entrepreneur, Business Mentor
"Cameron [Theseus co-founder] is the most professional and knowledgeable trainer I have come across in my career and personal life."
Entrepreneur, Business Consultant
Is the theseus challenge right for you?
Take our short quiz to see if you are a strong candidate for the 'ultimate performance-development experience'.
what it is...
the perfect practice-ground for forging elite-performance.
This one-of-a-kind experience takes place in the heart of the spectacular German-Czech mountains.
You'll spend two nights sleeping under the stars in spectacular nature.
In the day you'll be coached on the fundamentals of focus, productivity, leadership and mindset-mastery.
And putting your new skills to the test across various mental and physical challenges.
All the while moving through the mountains 'commando-style', strengthening and sharpening your mind.
tools for elite performance
- 5+ Hours of peak-performance coaching and workshops
forge new skills commando style
- 10+ hours of mental and physical challenges, and military-style adventure
built on real-world experience
- Lead by highly trained and experienced coaches, athletes and elite soldiers
'lessons in peak-performance you'll never forget'
dominator package
- Theseus Challenge Event
- 5+ hours performance coaching and workshops
- 10+ hours challenges and adventures
- 2-nights away in mountain nature
- All food and supplies, plus welcome and finisher's packs
- 8-week 1:1 continuation program
- 5,995
challenger package
- Theseus Challenge Event
- 5+ hours performance coaching and workshops
- 10+ hours challenges and adventures
- 2-nights away in mountain nature
- All food and supplies, plus welcome and finisher's packs
- 2,995
- BONUS - LIMITED TIME ONLY - 8-week continuation cohort program - €1,500 value
Frequently Asked Questions
What's included in the weekend?
The specific details of the event are kept vague to add value to the experience. All that's important is that you will spend 2 x nights camping in nature, partake in high-performance coaching, workshops and various physical challenges, led by highly trained and experienced facilitators. All food and drink is included as well as a premium finisher's-pack... for those that make it to the end!
What else do I get?
Unlocked peak-performance enhancing your skills for focus, productivity, resilience and adaptability, as well as a life-time of looking back on an incredible experience that took your self-belief to new heights!
How do I know if the challenge is right for me?
If you are an ambitious exec or business leader that wants to unlock your full potential by increasing focus, productivity, relentless motivation and eliminate negative stress and the risk of burnout, then this is the EXACT event you're looking for.
Will I get a refund if I can't complete it?
If you can say at the end of your event that you did not get the value you expected you can ask for 100% of your money back and will receive it without question GUARANTEED.
Can I spread the cost of the payment?
There are split-payment options available, however at least a 50% deposit must be paid by 4-weeks prior to your event date and is non-refundable if you decide not to come. 100% must be paid by the date of your event.
Should I take a lot of time to think before I apply?
If you match the description in the 'How do I know this challenge is for me?' section above then it is time to take ACTION! Thinking is what got you this far. Only the doing part can take you further.
How fit do I need to be?
You will require a note from your Dr confirming you are fit enough to participate in physical exercise, and you should be able to walk 10km in under 2-hours. Further advice will be provided during your application process.
How can I prepare for the event if my fitness isn't quite there yet?
We will provide you with all the preparation guidance you need during your application process.
Is it possible to join as a group with my friends or colleagues?
Yes, please contact us if you have a group that would like to join an event or run one privately with us.
Do I need to bring specialist equipment?
You will require almost no specialist equipment besides a sleeping bag suitable for the season. Guidance on anything else you may need will be provided during your application process.
How do I know I will get the benefits you say I will?
Our team combined has decades of experience working with ambitious leaders and training people to undergo tough training to success. You will be in the best hands possible and you will only earn a place at an event once you have completed the application process whereby we will be able to decide if you are right for this experience. You will not be given a place if we are not sure you will achieve the outcomes we aim to deliver.
It seems expensive to me, is it really worth it?
This is not a cheap event. If cheap is what you're looking for then you definitely need to look somewhere else. However, I would ask you to consdier what the 'cost' is to you if you DON'T take action and apply for this event. If you stay the same and continue with life exactly how it is, what will be the impact to you? Now ask what 'price' you would put on the positive impacts of better focus, productivity, motivation to achieve all your goals and resilience to the negative stresses in your life? How much is that worth? You have arrived at this website for a reason and if this event offers the solution to your problems then the only question left is 'can I afford it?'
Will I be invincible after completing the Theseus Challenge?
Nothing is impossible...
Why aren't there exact details of the challenge here?
When it comes to the Theseus Challenge it's best to prepare for the worst, hope for the best and expect the unexpected! You will be given exactly enough details before the event to ensure the best possible experience once you arrive.
What happens if I have an accident in the mountains?
Our team of experienced facilitators include medically trained staff and we have a robust emergency plan in place for the very unlikely event that someone may become seriously injured. The national park also has its own emergency infrastructure in place and is in full cooperation with our events.
What if I have pre-existing medical conditions?
You will need confirmation from your Dr that you are able to participate in physical exercise. If not then unfortunately the event is not possible for you.
Will I need enthusiasm and a sense of humour?
These are critical components of character required to complete the Theseus Challenge. We will look for evidence of this and more during your application to ensure you are the right fit for our events.
Do the instructors accept bribes?
Although we do not officially accept bribes, it may (or may not) benefit you to bring chocolate biscuits with you to your event and kindly offer them to our staff. Worth a try...
The Theseus Challenge is run in collaboration with the Falkenstein Hütten - a family-run business offering charming accommodation and restaurant services in the Heart of Sächsische Schweiz.
With incredible mountain scenery and direct access to hiking trails, we highly recommend them as your choice of stay for your next trip into nature.